Because most global warming emissions remain in the atmosphere for decades or centuries, the choices we make today greatly influence the climate our children and grandchildren inherit. The quality of life they experience will depend on if and how rapidly California and the rest of the world reduce these emissions.
In California and throughout western North America, signs of a changing climate are evident. During the last 50 years, winter and spring temperatures have been warmer, spring snow levels in lower- and midelevation mountains have dropped, snowpack has been melting one to four weeks earlier, and flowers are blooming one to two weeks earlier.
These regional changes are consistent with global trends. During the past 100 years, average temperatures have risen more than one degree Fahrenheit worldwide. Research indicates that much of this warming is due to human activities,rimarily burning fossil fuels and clearing forests, that release carbon dioxide (CO2) and other gases into the atmosphere, trapping in heat that would otherwise escape into space. Once in the atmosphere, these heat-trapping emissions remain there for many years—CO2, for example, lasts about 100 years. As a result, atmospheric concentration of CO2 has increased more than 30 percent above pre-industrial levels. If left unchecked, by the end of the century CO2 concentrations could reach levels three times higher than pre-industrial times, leading to dangerous global warming that threatens our public health, economy, and environment.
The latest projections, based on state-of-the art climate models, indicate that if global heat-trapping emissions proceed at a medium to high rate, temperatures in California are expected to rise 4.7 to 10.5°F by the end of the century. In contrast, a lower emissions rate would keep the projected warming to 3 to 5.6°F. These temperature increases would have widespread consequences including substantial loss of snowpack, increased risk of large wildfires, and reductions in the quality and quantity of certain agricultural products. The state’s vital resources and natural landscapes are already under increasing stress due to California’s rapidly growing population, which is expected to grow from 35 million today to 55 million by 2050.
This document summarizes the recent findings of the California Climate Change Center’s “Climate Scenarios” project, which analyzed a range of impacts that projected rising temperatures would likely have on California. The growing severity of the consequences as temperature rises underscores the importance of reducing emissions to minimize further warming. At the same time, it is essential to identify those consequences that may be unavoidable, for which we will need to develop coping and adaptation strategies.
California’s Future Climate
California’s climate is expected to become considerably warmer during this century. How much warmer depends on the rate at which human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels, continue. The projections presented here illustrate the climatic changes that are likely from three different heattrapping emissions scenarios ….
Public Health
Continued global warming will affect Californians’ health by exacerbating air pollution, intensifying heat waves, and expanding the range of infectious diseases. The primary concern is not so much the change in average climate but the projected increase in extreme conditions, which pose the most serious health risks…
Water Resources
Most of California’s precipitation falls in the northern part of the state during the winter while the greatest demand for water comes from users in the southern part of the state during the spring and summer. A vast network of man-made reservoirs and aqueducts capture and transport water throughout the state from northern California rivers and the Colorado River. The current distribution system relies on Sierra Nevada mountain snowpack to supply water during the dry spring and summer months. Rising temperatures, potentially compounded by decreases in precipitation, could severely reduce spring snowpack, increasing the risk of summer water shortages….
California is home to a $30 billion agriculture industry that employs more than one million workers. It is the largest and most diverse agriculture industry in the nation, producing more than 300 commodities including half the country’s fruits and vegetables. Increased heat-trapping emissions are expected to cause widespread changes to this industry, reducing the quantity and quality of agricultural products statewide.
Although higher carbon dioxide levels can stimulate plant production and increase plant water-use efficiency, California farmers will face greater water demand for crops and a less reliable water supply as temperatures rise. Crop growth and development will change, as will the intensity and frequency of pest and disease outbreaks. Rising temperatures will likely aggravate ozone pollution, which makes plants more susceptible to disease and pests and interferes with plant growth.
To prepare for these changes, and to adapt to changes already under way, major efforts will be needed to move crops to new locations, respond to climate variability, and develop new cultivars and agricultural technologies. With adequate research and advance preparation, some of the consequences could be reduced….
Forests and Landscapes
California is one of the most climatically and biologically diverse areas in the world, supporting thousands of plant and animal species. The state’s burgeoning population and consequent impact on local landscapes is threatening much of this biological wealth. Global warming is expected to intensify this threat by increasing the risk of wildfire and altering the distribution and character of natural vegetation….
Rising Sea Levels
California’s 1,100 miles of coastline are a major attraction for tourism, recreation, and other economic activity. The coast is also home to unique ecosystems that are among the world’s most imperiled. As global warming continues, California’s coastal regions will be increasingly threatened by rising sea levels, more intense coastal storms, and warmer water temperatures.
During the past century, sea levels along California’s coast have risen about seven inches. If heat-trapping emissions continue unabated and temperatures rise into the higher warming range, sea level is expected to rise an additional 22 to 35 inches by the end of the century. Elevations of this magnitude would inundate coastal areas with salt water, accelerate coastal erosion, threaten vital levees and inland water systems, and disrupt wetlands and natural habitats….
Managing Global Warming
Continued global warming will have widespread and significant impacts on the Golden State. Solutions are available today to reduce emissions and minimize these impacts.
The projections presented in this analysis suggest that many of the most severe consequences that are expected from the medium and higher warming ranges could be avoided if heat-trapping emissions can be reduced to levels that will hold temperature increases at or below the lower warming range (i.e., an increase of no more than 5.5°F). However, even if emissions are substantially reduced, research indicates that some climatic changes are unavoidable. Although not the solution to global warming, plans to cope with these changes are essential….