From the Symposium Intro page:
Leaders from government, business and the media from throughout the nation participated in the National Energy Symposium June 15, 2006 on the campus of the University of Southern California. …
Faculty and panels included some of the nation’s leading experts, who discussed America’s and California’s energy future. The Symposium took an objective, nonpartisan look at how to confront the issues. …
The National Energy Symposium was sponsored by the University of Southern California, The California Institute of Technology, Congressional Quarterly, and The Communications Institute with the support of Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government. …
The Symposium reviewed the economic realities of dealing with critical energy issues. The basic economic principles of supply, demand and costs are the keys to understanding energy markets.
The symposium also included in-depth analysis by Dr. Nate Lewis of Caltech on current energy sources and potential new sources of energy in the future.
Webcast of the entire conference (1507 MB). Webcasts of individual segments should be available next week, according to the symposium website.
Slide presentations and other resources available online
(See original article for links):
The Energy Problem
Henry Lee, director of the Environment and Natural Resources Program at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, covers the multiple dimensions of the energy dilemma — from supply and demand to acid rain.
Using Up Energy Solutions
Congressional Quarterly’s John Cranford says it’s easy to find reasons not to increse oil drilling on- or offshore; but the reality is, the U.S. relies on fossil fuels, and burns more per capita than almost any other nation.
Global Energy Perspective
Caltech Professor Nathan S. Lewis covers the present mix of power sources, future constraints, theoretical and practical energy potential of various renewables, and the challenges in exploiting renewables economically.
Why hydrocarbon-fueled internal combustion engines?
A brief primer on the alternatives by Prof. Paul D. Ronney of USC. Ronney covers external combustion engines, electric vehicles, the hydrogen fuel cell, solar vehicles and nuclear power.
The Future of Nuclear Energy
Craig F. Smith of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory provides a summary of the “Group of 7” National Laboratory directors’ recommendations on the future of nuclear energy.
SCE and Renewable Energy Sources
Pedro J. Pizarro, Senior Vice President of Power Procurement for Southern California Edison, presents SEC’s current mix of energy sources, SEC’s portfolio of renewable energy sources, and the projected energy needs of Southern California.
Underlying offshore waters on the Outer Continental Shelf
The Minerals Management Service provides an assessment of “undiscovered technically recoverable resources” off the U.S. coast. Estimates range from 66.6 to 115.3 billion barrels of oil and 326.4 to 565.9 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. See the complete pdf file here.
Energy Challenges: An Economic and Engineering Analysis
Kevin Hopkins, editor of Government West, wrote a primer on energy realities for the Communications Institute. Hopkins covers gasoline prices & supply, electricity, energy sources, and the economics of new energy technology.