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Move to charge toll for driving in core of downtown San Francisco
Becky Bowman, SF Chronicle
…The London program that caught the attention of Supervisor Jake McGoldrick, a frequent visitor to the United Kingdom, has reduced downtown traffic congestion by about 30 percent and vehicle emissions by about 12 percent, said Jamie O’Hara, spokesman for Transport for London, the city’s transportation agency. It’s also put about £200 million, or about $350 million, into government coffers since it was implemented, O’Hara added.
“One of the key things here is to change behavior in a way that people are going to see a benefit,” said McGoldrick, who urged the transportation authority to apply for the federal study money. “The benefit is of course that, first and foremost, we improve the efficiency of our public transportation system.”
“I think it’s inevitable that there will be some kind of congestion charging in San Francisco and the top 20 cities in the country,” he added.
Officials here hope a program could achieve similar goals of providing money for the Municipal Railway, clearing roads for Muni buses and trains and cutting air pollution, transportation authority representatives told its Citizens Advisory Committee this week.
(29 March 2006)
Related: Congestion Pricing for Smart Streets from The Oil Drum / NYC .
The Meatrix II (ANIMATION)
Sustainable Table
(March 2006)
A sequel to the popular Meatrix video, which criticizes factory farming and advocates buying food produced by small and organic farms. For more information, see Inside the Meatrix. To me, this is an outstanding example of using media to change attitudes. Anyone up for “Meatrix meets Peak Oil”? -BA
A Post-Global Economic Development Strategy
To energize our economy and secure our future (PDF)
Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission via The Oil Drum
ABSTRACT: The development of the US economy has been fundamentally shaped by the availability of abundant, low-cost energy. There is growing consensus, however, that a major change in the global energy regime will impact the economy shortly. The question is not if, but rather how soon and how much. Efforts will be needed to create alternative energy sources, to increase energy efficiency, and to redesign major urban systems. Economic globalization may also be radically redirected as a new ‘post-global’ paradigm emerges which includes elements of both globalization and localization.
To harness the economic potential of these changes, this report recommends that economic development entities in the Delaware Valley begin retooling their efforts. As part of a comprehensive economic development strategy for the region, this report also recommends making smarter transportation investments, coupling these investments with more sustainable land-use patterns, fostering clusters in emerging eco-industries, and maximizing the value of these initiatives by eco-branding the region as a sustainability center.
(March 2006)
A 48-page report.
Special issue “Green economy: after oil”
The American Prospect
The inexorable advance of climate change and concerns about oil dependency have put renewable energy back on the public agenda. Finally, a “green economy” based on exciting innovations in agricultural technology could reduce our thirst for oil, reverse environmental destruction -and revive rural America and its populist politics.
The Once and Future Carbohydrate Economy (AVAILABLE)
Substituting living plants for fossil fuels could transform energy security, the environment, world trade and U.S. politics. Are we ready to do it right? By David Morris
A New Prairie Populism
How renewable energy can transform heartland politics and economics. .
By Bracken Hendricks
Fueling the Future
A progressive vision for America’s auto industry. (AVAILABLE)
By Senator Barack Obama
Good Genes Gone Bad
The new public health reflects our understanding of how environmental contaminants harm genes. New genetic science offers new hope.
By Pete Myers
Follow the Farmers
Building a sustainable economic future from America’s heartland.
By Tom Daschle
Building Green
developer Jonathan Rose discusses green construction with Robert Kuttner.
Can Government Go Green?
The opportunity is there, but market forces alone won’t realize it.
By Merrill Goozner
The Challenge of Peak Oil
The longer we delay adapting to the inevitable depletion of worldwide oil reserves, the more painful the coming economic transition will be.
By Richard Heinberg
The Right Chemistry
Green chemistry offers industry a way to reduce regulatory and clean-up costs with the proverbial ounce of prevention.
By Chris Mooney
Business, as Usual?
Ethanol could be a huge boost to small farmers and the rural economy. But unless we are vigilant, the big winners could be the usual suspects.
By Christopher D. Cook
European Shades of Green
In addition to our trade imbalance, America has a huge deficit of smart environmental policies. Here’s where more imports makes sense.
By Ezra Klein
A Win-Win Bargain
American and Third World farmers are at odds over farm subsidies. Trade rules that promote energy crops could serve everyone.
By Gayle Smith
A Renewable Economy as a Global Ethic
It’s a win-win equation for the planet — and one that will advance the goals of sustainable agriculture, clean energy, and human health.
By Michael Lerner
(March 2006)
Liberal U.S. publication. Most of the articles (those without links) are behind a paywall. Apparently, the articles will come out from behind the paywell in a few weeks.