M. King Hubbert tribute

March 7, 2006

NOTE: Images in this archived article have been removed.

Image RemovedMarch 8, 2006 marks the fifty year anniversary of M. King Hubbert’s seminal speech in which he accurately forecasted the 1970 peaking of United States oil production. Few heeded Hubbert’s warning and many, including the United States Geological Survey, actively sought to discredit his work. The lack of preparation on the government’s part set the United States up for the oil shocks of the 1970’s and egregious dependence on foreign oil that we experience today.

In honor of M. King Hubbert’s courageous stand, Post Carbon Institute and Global Public Media have compiled many previously unavailable materials about Hubbert and interviews into an online tribute at MKingHubbert.com. The tribute provides a rare glimpse into the life and times of M. King Hubbert, the grandfather of the peak oil movement.

M. King Hubbert Tribute Audio Compilation: With comment from Roscoe Bartlett, Richard Heinberg, Albert Bartlett, Megan Quinn, Pat Murphy, Walter Youngquist, Ron Swenson, Kenneth Deffeyes, Matthew Simmons, Stewart Udall, Jan Lundberg, Colin Campbell and Steve Andrews. (AUDIO)

Stewart Udall Audio: Former Secretary of the Interior Stewart Udall talks to David Room about M. King Hubbert and peak oil. (AUDIO)

Michael Hubbert Video: Michael Hubbert, M. King Hubbert’s nephew, tells stories about the Hubbert family and its history and reminisces about his “Uncle King”. From Hubbert’s triple major at Chicago University (the first in the institution’s history), to his belief in zero population growth- in the 1930’s, to his adventures through Europe on the back of a motorcycle in the 1950’s, Michael Hubbert gives rare insight into the man, M. King Hubbert. (VIDEO and AUDIO)

Tags: Education, Fossil Fuels, Oil