WASHINGTON, March 2 /PRNewswire/ — Robert David STEELE Vivas, CEO of OSS.Net, the international proponent of legal ethical Open Source Intelligence (OSINT), offered the following comment as posted on his web site, www.oss.net, today:
COMMENT of 2 Mar 06. The U.S. taxpaying public desperately needs a collective intelligence agency (cia) that can collect, process, analyze, and disseminate truthful information about the real world to the citizen-taxpayers so that they can hold their government officials, and their private sector providers, accountable. I don’t particularly like to pick fights, but as the son of an oil engineer and manager who once worked for Esso (“Me voy con Esso y con Esso regresso”), to include managing all supply in Viet-Nam from 1964-1967, where I lived through ten coups d’etat, I have to take personal exception to Exxon’s advertisement on the Federal Page of the Washington Post today.
This advertisement is at best mis-information and at worst a complete pack of lies. Sadly, this advertisement will be read by Members of Congress and their staff, and by well-intentioned people in the Administration who do not have time to read books or talk to real experts, and they will believe this mis-information.
I am the #1 Amazon reviewer for non-fiction about global issues of national security import. This includes, among other things, the end of cheap oil, the end of free water, the rise of pandemic disease, the corrosive effects of immoral capitalism and government corruption, and — on a more positive note — the potentially beneficial effects of providing free open source intelligence (OSINT) to the five billion humans at the Bottom of the Pyramid (BoP) who represent a four trillion a year marketplace and a source of innovation and entrepreneurship that can save the world.
British Petroleum and its carbon footprint are more responsible. I challenge Exxon to a public debate, asking only that they fund the travel and compensation of the experts of my choice, and invite Tim Russert to moderate a one-hour encounter anytime in March. Alternatively, Exxon CEO could fund a cia and get a grip on reality. I will help if asked.
Comment at: www.oss.net
IO Briefing at: www.oss.net/IO
Amazon Reviews at: tinyurl.com/otpld
SOURCE OSS.NET, Inc. Web Site: www.oss.net