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Record year for wind energy: Global wind power market increased by 43% in 2005
European Wind Energy Association (EWEA)
Continued political efforts can give even stronger impetus for 2006. The global wind energy sector experienced another record year in 2005. According to the figures released today by the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC), the year saw the installation of 11,769 megawatts (MW), which represents a 43.4% increase in annual additions to the global market, up from 8,207 MW in the previous year. The total value of new generating equipment installed was over €12 billion, or US$14 billion.
The total installed wind power capacity now stands at 59,322 MW worldwide, an increase of 25% compared to 2004.
(17 Feb 2006)
Bush: U.S. on Verge of Energy Breakthrough
Deb Riechmann (AP), Yahoo! News
Saying the nation is on the verge of technological breakthroughs that would “startle” most Americans, President Bush on Monday outlined his energy proposals to help wean the country off foreign oil.
Less than half the crude oil used by refineries is produced in the United States, while 60 percent comes from foreign nations, Bush said during the first stop on a two-day trip to talk about energy.
Some of these foreign suppliers have “unstable” governments that have fundamental differences with America, he said. … “Our nation is on the threshold of new energy technology that I think will startle the American people,” Bush said. “We’re on the edge of some amazing breakthroughs – breakthroughs all aimed at enhancing our national security and our economic security and the quality of life of the folks who live here in the United States.”
(20 Feb 2006)
I want to belieeeeeve. Unfortunately the article doesn’t mention anything new; hybrids vehicles with better batteries and solar roof tiles are in fact the only two technologies mentioned. -AF
Chevron invests in new energy sources, fears rising oil prices
(original: Chevron claims energy debate)
BBC News
The world’s fifth-largest oil company, Chevron, has invested $300m (£173m) a year in technology to support new energy sources, fearing oil and gas prices will continue to rise, one of the company’s leading figures has told the BBC.
Peter Robertson, the oil giant’s Scottish-born vice chairman, said that the company is putting the money into biodiesel and ethanol research, as it is “very important” for the long-term future of the company.
“In 30 years’ time, oil and gas will be Chevron’s core business – 50 years, I’m not sure,” he told BBC World Service’s The Interview programme.
“Prices will continue to go up, and I think that technology will continue to advance. Somewhere along that road this $300m a year (that Chevron is investing in alternative energy), which will grow, will intersect with the price of gasoline, or petrol, and people will find alternatives.”
(19 Feb 2006)
And we thought Colorado had [NG] problems
Heading Out, The Oil Drum
The China Daily is carrying a story that the gas-fired power plants in East China are unable to get enough natural gas to operate.
(22 February 2006)
Round-up of news on NG problems — China, Italy, Japan. “GeoPoet” has an interesting comment on how a water shortage is handicapping oil drilling in Oklahoma.