48 Groups Refute US President’s Claim That Nuclear Energy Is ” A Renewable Source of Energy”

February 7, 2005

In a short letter sent today to the White House, nearly 50 environmental, business, anti-nuclear, sustainable energy, and energy policy organizations disputed a recent statement by President Bush that nuclear power is a “renewable source of energy.”

The groups said simply that nuclear power, and “for that matter, oil, coal, and natural gas,” are not renewable sources of energy but instead are “environmentally polluting and non-renewable.”

They added that the primary forms of renewable energy are “biofuels, biomass, geothermal, hydropower, solar, and wind.”

The full text of the letter and list of signing organizations follows.

January 26, 2005

President George W. Bush
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20500

Dear Mr. President:

In a recent interview with the Wall Street Journal, you were quoted as saying that nuclear power “is a renewable source of energy.” Please be advised that nuclear power is not a renewable source of energy. For that matter, oil, coal, and natural gas are also not renewable sources of energy. Nuclear power and fossil fuels are environmentally polluting and non-renewable sources of energy. The primary renewable sources of energy are biofuels, biomass, geothermal, hydropower, solar, and wind.


(Cylvia Hayes, Executive Director)
[email protected]

Alliance for Affordable Energy
(Micah Walker Parkin)
[email protected]

Arizona Solar Center, Inc.
(Daniel Peter Aiello, Chair)
[email protected]

Arizona Solar Energy Association
(Chuck Skidmore)
[email protected]

Bob Lawrence & Associations
(Bob Lawrence, President)
[email protected]

Burlington Electric Department
(Mary Sullivan, Communications Coordinator)
[email protected]

Chesapeake Climate Action Network
(Mike Tidwell, Director)
[email protected]

Citizen Power
(David Hughes, Executive Director)
[email protected]

Citizens Utility Board of Wisconsin
(Charlie Higley, Executive Director)
[email protected]

Clean Air Council
(Thurman Brendlinger)
[email protected]

Colorado Energy Group
(George Burmeister)
[email protected]

Colorado Renewable Energy Society
(Kimberly Peterson, Secretary)
[email protected]

Donald Aitken Associates
(Donald W. Aitken, Ph.D.)
[email protected]

EORenew (Eastern Oregon Renewable Energies Non-profit) (Jennifer Barker) [email protected]

Eco Living Fellowship, Inc.
(Dr. Michael Skelly, Sr., President)
[email protected]

Energy Innovation
(Steve Chadima)
[email protected]

Environmental Resources Trust
(Alden Hathaway – Director, EcoPower Programs) [email protected]

Friends of the Earth
(Erich Pica)
[email protected]

Global Green U.S.A.
(Matt Petersen)
[email protected]

Global Possibilities
(Casey Coates Danson, President/Founder; Carolyn Ward, Managing Director) [email protected]

(John Coequyt, Jim Riccio, Nuclear Policy Analyst)
jim.ricci[email protected], [email protected]

Hawaii Solar Energy Association (HSEA)
(Rick Reed, President)
[email protected]

Local Government Commission
(Judy Corbett)
[email protected]

Local 103 I.B.E.W.
(Martin E. Aikens, Business Agent)
[email protected]

Maine Solar Energy Association
(Richard Komp PhD. President)
[email protected]

Mainstay Energy
(Hoyt Hudson, CEO)
[email protected]

MD-DC-VA Solar Energy Industries Association
(Peter Lowenthal)
[email protected]

Minnesotans for an Energy-Efficient Economy
(J. Drake Hamilton, Science Policy Director)
[email protected]

North Carolina Sustainable Energy Association
(Richard/Lonna Harkrader)
[email protected]

Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships
(Susan E. Coakley, Executive Director)
[email protected]

Northwest Energy Coalition
(Nancy Hirsh)
[email protected]

Nuclear Information & Resource Service
(Michael Mariotte)
[email protected]

Quality Solar
(Claudia Wentworth)
[email protected]

Redwood Alliance
(Michael Welch)
[email protected]

Renewable Energy Long Island (RELI)
(Gordian Raacke)
[email protected]

RENEW Wisconsin
(Michael Vickerman, Executive Director) [email protected]

San Luis Sustainability Group Architects
(Ken Haggard)
[email protected]

Solar Energy International (SEI)
(Johnny Weiss, Executive Director)
[email protected]

The Stella Group, Ltd.
(Scott Sklar, President)
[email protected]

(Rona Fried)
[email protected]

Sustainable Energy and Economic Development (SEED) Coalition (Karen Hadden, Executive Director) [email protected]

Vermont Energy Investment Corporation
(Beth Sachs)
[email protected]

Voices Opposed To Environmental Racism
(Donald Keesing)
[email protected]

The Vote Solar Initiative
(David Hochschild)
[email protected]

(Lisa Daniels, Executive Director)
[email protected]

Wisconsin Energy Conservation Corporation
(Janet Brandt, Executive Director)
[email protected]

Wisconsin Green Building Alliance
(Constance A. Lindholm, Executive Director) [email protected]

Women in Sustainable Energy (WISE)
(Kimberly Peterson)
[email protected]

Tags: Education, Energy Infrastructure, Nuclear