The oil shockwaves will be felt by everyone.
They will shake our civilization apart.
A consensus of the world scientific community has sent out several warnings over the past decade, stating that business as usual cannot go on.
(Imminent Peril, Chapter 15, The End of the Oil Age)
Nobody wants to talk about it.
Politicians won’t face it (they are only concerned about the next election).
Corporations won’t face it (their main concern is short-term profits, nor do they want a market panic)
The Media won’t face it, (it is not in their corporate interests either)
Economists won’t face it (they believe the free market will fix this problem, though consumer capitalism requires constant growth—perpetual growth is impossible, especially in light of a shrinking energy base)
(Imminent Peril—Part 2, Chapter 16; A Passion Play, Chapter 5, The End of the Oil Age)
There are no techno-fixes.
· not fuel cells
· not solar power
· not wind power
· not nuclear power
· not coal
Even if a techno-fix existed, there is no time left for its implementation.
We should have begun this effort 30 years ago, after the first oil shocks.
(Leaping off the Natural Gas Cliff, Chapter 4; Much Ado about Nothing, Chapter 8; Defusing the Hype, Chapter 13, The End of the Oil Age)
Energy prices will fluctuate over the next few years, always trending upwards. Sometime after 2007, at the latest, we will see oil shortages, rationing, rising prices, recession, and economic distress.
(LNG to the Rescue & Oil Shortages by 2007, Chapter 21, The End of the Oil Age)
In modern, industrialized agriculture it takes 10 Calories of fossil fuels to produce 1 Calorie of food.
The world population now stands in excess of 6 billion people.
Without fossil fuels, the planet will only be able to support 2 billion.
Without fossil fuels, the U.S. will have to lose 1/3 of its current population.
(Eating Fossil Fuels, Chapter 17, The End of the Oil Age)
The resource wars have already started.
(The Background is Oil, Chapter 1; Interventions ‘r’ US, Chapter 9; US Intentions, Chapter 12, The End of the Oil Age)
We cannot expect our ‘leaders’ to solve these problems. It is up to us to prepare our families and communities to ride out the energy shockwaves and make the transition to a post-hydrocarbon world.
(Visionary Conclusion, Chapter 22, The End of the Oil Age)
“Dale Allen Pfeiffer has a gift for writing about scientific subjects in a way that is accessible and compelling for the general reader. The topic before us now–oil depletion–is one that he is especially well qualified to write about, and it is one that will directly and profoundly impact the life of every person alive. This is information that everyone needs to be reading and thinking about.”
“Pfeiffer’s penetrating series lays bare the unfolding world energy depletion crisis, and the resource warfare taking place behind the “war on terrorism” smokescreen. This is work that every single human being must read.”
Larry Chin, Associate Editor, Online Journal, Contributing Editor, Global Research
“Dale has been so far ahead of the curve and so dedicated in his work; so precise and accurate on energy issues; that a half dozen Pulitzers should be sitting on his mantle. He turned me on to Peak Oil, he made the case, he was right, and not once has he let me or out readers down. What you’re reading today in the LA Times, The New York Times and many other papers was written by Dale as much as two years ago.”
Mike Ruppert, Managing Editor, From the Wilderness
The End of the Oil Age is an anthology of science and geopolitical articles written by Dale Allen Pfeiffer. This collection contains all of the author’s major articles about energy depletion, the confluence of environmental problems set to converge upon the world, and the implications for modern civilization. Understanding the global peak of oil production and the North American natural gas cliff is essential for making sense of what is happening in the world today. The book is a warning about the end of hydrocarbon based technological civilization.
The End of the Oil Age and other books are available at:
Or autographed copies are available through:
or by contacting the author via:
Dale Allen Pfeiffer
PO Box 892
Clarkston, MI, USA 48347