Maximum Power and Scarcity, or… the Story of the Birdbrained Backhoe on the Beach (Episode 46 of Crazy Town)

The “maximum power principle” may sound like the doctrine of an evil supervillain, but it actually applies to all living creatures. The principle states that biological systems organize to increase power whenever constraints allow.

Overproduction of Elites and Political Upheaval, or… the Story of Rich People Doing Stupid Things (Episode 43 of Crazy Town)

Society is producing too many elite people, and their decisions are causing extreme inequality, which is one of the key components of today’s sustainability crisis.

Runaway Money and Overconsumption, or… the Story of Monetary Mischief in Madagascar (Episode 42 of Crazy Town)

Join the Crazy Townies as they swap stories around the virtual fire about spending virtual money in the virtual world. And  get advice on how to do the opposite from Nate Hagens, expert on energy, ecological economics, and finance.

The Attention Economy and Nature Depletion, or… the Story of Einstein Watching Cat Videos (Episode 41 of Crazy Town)

If all goes well, by the end of this episode, you’ll feel inspired to shut down your electronic devices, stow your earbuds, and go outside to scan the skies, dig in the dirt, watch the wildlife, or find some other healthy way to pay attention to the natural world.

Nature Detachment and Ecocide, or… the Story of the Marauding Mountain Lion (Episode 40 of Crazy Town)

The more we wall ourselves off from nature, the more likely we are to continue on the path of climate chaos and extinction. Join Asher, Rob, and Jason on their search for how to reconnect with nature.

Complexity and Armageddon, or… the Story of the Hemp Microphone (Episode 38 of Crazy Town)

Society has become so complex that all the complexity begets more complexity. And if that’s not complex enough for you, jobs have become so specialized that hardly anyone knows how anything is made or works.

Discounting the Future and Climate Chaos, or… the Story of the Dueling Economists (Episode 37 of Crazy Town)

Jason, Rob, and Asher explore why the discount rate, and discounting the future more broadly, is so deadly important, and why the number 0 is what our kids and grandkids deserve.

Conspiracy Theories and Collapse, or… the Story of UFOs and Free Energy (Episode 36 of Crazy Town)

Are we experiencing a spike in conspiracy theories akin to the days of the Red Scare and the Salem Witch Trials? What’s the role of science and technology in spreading such theories? Have lizard people infiltrated the government in order to hide the truth about how flat the Earth really is?