The Bright Side Through Rose-Tinted Glasses: How Positive Thinking Undermines Sustainability (Episode 53 of Crazy Town)

Welcome to the seductive, but regrettable world of unquestioned positive thinking, where faith healers, BS slingers, pseudoscientists, and get-rich-quick schemers all peddle the same basic message: think positively, and it’ll all work out.

Lord of the Swans: The Tragedy of the Enclosure of the Commons (Episode 52 of Crazy Town}

The “tragedy of the commons” is an idea that has so thoroughly seeped into culture and law that it seems normal for people and corporations to own land, water, and even whole ecosystems. But there’s a BIG problem: the “tragedy” part of it has been debunked – it really should be the triumph of the commons.

A Load of Papal Bull: Greenlighting Colonization and the Mindset of Extraction (Episode 51 of Crazy Town)

As seafaring colonizers divvied up the world and justified their actions using the Doctrine of Discovery, the era of land-grabbing imperialism led to outrageous exploitation of Indigenous peoples and ecosystems.

A Day at the Zoo Is No Walk in the Park: Humanity’s Overexploitation of Animals and Nature (Episode 49 of Crazy Town)

Join Asher, Rob, and Jason as they sort through some terrible human behavior, suggest encouraging ways to change our views and habits regarding our fellow Earthlings, and try to figure out what the hell “estimativa” is. Warning: animal cruelty is discussed at length.

Crazy Town: Season 3 Bonus Episodes

Climate Sabotage with Tim DeChristopher (Season 3 – February 24, 2022) Stop Saving the Planet with Jenny Price (Season 3 – January 26, 2022) Holiday Guide for the Perplexed (Season 3 – December 15, 2021) It’s All Paradox with Douglas Rushkoff (Season 3 – November 24, 2021) Oceans of Knowledge with Sylvia Earle (Season 3 … Read more

Hidden Drivers Wrap-up, or… the Story of the Throbbing Amygdala (Episode 47 of Crazy Town)

It’s the end of the world as we know it. OK, maybe not just yet, but it is the end of Crazy Town’s third season. If you’ve been able to look past some of the more absurd parts of the podcast, perhaps you’ve noticed a pattern.