Transition Town Totnes
Totnes is the UK’s first town exploring issues of how to prepare for peak oil. TTT is a community-led initiative which is working towards the creation of an Energy Descent Action Plan for the town.
Totnes is the UK’s first town exploring issues of how to prepare for peak oil. TTT is a community-led initiative which is working towards the creation of an Energy Descent Action Plan for the town.
Making the Tarmac bloom
Towpaths and bicycle commuting
High Point: Seattle’s green community
Wal-Mart grows ‘green’ strategies
The religious war on bottled water
In place of business-as-usual or survivalist fantasies, lifestyle changes and conservation technologies can be put to work to manage the transition into deindustrial society.
Community gardens are primarily hobbies here in Vancouver, but internationally they are known for their ability to feed entire cities.
The handwriting is on the wall – massive
change is in the offing – and we are totally unprepared. For this New Solutions we will discuss options for addressing these threats under the rubric of four “plans” arbitrarily labeled A, B, C and D.
Jason Bradford is a PhD evolutionary biologist who studied the effects of climate change on cloud forests in the Andes under the auspices of the Missouri Botanical Garden and other institutions. But in 2004 he switched his focus from study to action by initiating a remarkable community organizing effort in his new home town of Willits, California, called Willits Economic LocaLization (WELL).
Endless discussion of peak oil statistics isn’t of much interest to me. Nor is sitting around trying to guess the exact date of the arrival of the peak. The response of our communities to this coming era of human history, now that blows my hair back.
Other economies are possible!
Ditch the car?
Canal dreaming: solving the energy crisis
If gas taxes had been increased 5 years ago
Special issue – one of the best yet from HopeDance. All articles are online and free.
Fun motivates.
Andi and I immediately recognised a novel way to catch people’s interest and a good hook for motivating people to become involved. Put the focus on what we are creating – not what we are leaving behind.
The third U.S. Conference on ‘Peak Oil’ & Community Solutions will place in Yellow Springs, Ohio – September 22 – 24, 2006.
I would describe myself as a recovering engineer. Technology has been an integral part of my life. At one time I had viewed advancing technology as the answer to all of our problems and the only tool necessary in improving our relationship with the natural world. The last several years have changed that.