Not the end of the world
Much of what is required to prevent [disaster] is simply coming to terms with the notion that a radical change in your way of life is not the same thing as the end of the world.
Much of what is required to prevent [disaster] is simply coming to terms with the notion that a radical change in your way of life is not the same thing as the end of the world.
Profiles in municipal sustainability
Company fuels Second Harvest during Alberta’s fuel crisis
Earth: Home sweet home (animation)
Blogs can top the presses
As someone who is familiar with the literature and follows the peak oil story on a daily basis, I can report that the folks on the Portland Peak Oil Task Force have produced a succinct, outstanding report that should be read by every local official everywhere.
Much of the public has up until recently unreflectively embraced the idea that all emergencies will be met with unparalleled heroism that leads to the right solution–no matter how hastily and tardily conceived
100 things you can do for peak oil
Sustainable living book helps save energy, $
It takes a village to sustain this proposed community garden
Fashioning a future: PO means end of fashion
Slow Movement Movement
The report’s key recommendation is that Portland take action to reduce fossil fuel use by half over the next 25 years. The report finds the best path to this goal is in accelerating current initiatives such as high-density planning and zoning, public transportation and acquiring electricity from renewable resources
The relocalization efforts of sustainability-oriented groups could easily be put in great peril by corporate interests seeking to squeeze out the last possible profits before the inevitable decline.
To meet the need for news and commentary on perhaps the greatest challenges facing the United States today – human-caused global warming and a projected energy shortage – Conserve Magazine was launched today.
Cambodians make big gains with organic farming
Food of the future, and the future of food
Exploring a free kitchen in Delhi
Appreciation: The Soil and Health by Sir Albert Howard
Tony Juniper: Climate change & technofixes
Review of documentary: “What A Way To Go: Life At The End Of Empire”
World’s youth demand a nuclear and fossil fuel-free future
Energy as the catalyst in the punctuated equilibrium of population growth
Myths of the global market
Kretzmann: New stirrings & targets for activism
Julian Darley: “Relocalize now!”
Astyk: All the news [& what to do about it]
Green tech: Silicon Valley’s new bubble?
Top five US cities for Cleantech
Crises and large scale challenges create fear in many but inspire others to act. What gives relocalization greater value than many other responses is its broader benefit to society, especially to local farmers, producers, community enterprise and businesses.