Cornucopian catechism: Notes from Pittsburgh
Trying to bring peak oil to the hometown. An example of the Semmelweis Reflex.
Trying to bring peak oil to the hometown. An example of the Semmelweis Reflex.
Moving New York City toward sustainable energy independence
Rob Hopkins (Transition Totnes) interview
Bill Rees (“eco-footprint”) on pushing the planet to its limit
American society, as an autopoietic system, by its very energy-intense design, is inclined toward blindness of certain stimuli in its environment… It is well known that any large-scale organization as a system adjusts slowly to alterations in its environment. This suggests that there may be more promise in correcting our vision at the micro level.
How creation of an Energy Shortage Plan will prepare New York City for energy price volatility and accelerate the long-term transition to energy sustainability. (50-page report)
World Naked Bike Ride coming in June
The (Fossil) Invaders
Fix growing energy crisis by growing waistlines
What has a chance of being far more effective [than an environmentalist approach] is to focus on what fundamentally will motivate all of us: personal well-being and survival.
The failure of the modern faith in progress in an age of peak oil bids fair to leave the field open for radically different ideologies. Is Christian fundamentalism poised to fill the void?
So, here’s a little “mole” for anyone who condescends based on one’s hue of green. The contributions of all of us are needed to stabilize patient Earth’s life-support systems.
The roots of the contemporary crisis of industrial society have little to do with the technical issues that occupy so much of today’s Peak Oil discussions.
Cities to generate local renewable energy
Fossil free by ’33
Embrace efficiency, one watt at a time
Ashes to ashes isn’t such a hot idea
WSJ: Doing the math on carbon neutrality
More retailers go for green — the eco kind
How do you end up at Findhorn?
Community Solutions on “The smart jitney: rapid, realistic transport”
Congestion fee proposed by New York mayor
Californians driving toward global warming: Solution? Smarter land use
Carbon tax threatens to ground Asia tourism
Making online maps bike-friendly