Road to nowhere?

Below are comments I presented before my local transportation planning agency concerning its 2030 plan [in which I question the assumption that liquid fuels will remain abundant and cheap]. I hope these comments will provide some ideas for those who want to comment on plans in their own locales.

Relocalization: A strategic response to peak oil and climate change

The case for relocalization will be made in the context of responding sensibly to two problems facing societies right now: climate change and peak oil and gas. Relocalization advocates rebuilding more balanced local economies that emphasize securing basic needs.

Solutions & sustainability – May 24

Richard Douthwaite on complementary money systems
Julian Darley on economics, the money system and capitalism
No efficiency without controls
McKinsey report: Invest in existing technologies to lower energy demand growth

HopeDance special on “LOCAL”
Heinberg: Talking ourselves to extinction
New transcripts and translations on GPM