Fourth U.S. conference on peak oil and community solutions
This October several hundred activists, educators, and community leaders pioneering a low-energy way of life will gather in Yellow Springs, Ohio, at a three-day conference
This October several hundred activists, educators, and community leaders pioneering a low-energy way of life will gather in Yellow Springs, Ohio, at a three-day conference
David Holmgren on peak oil, energy descent and permaculture (video)
Online permaculture talks: “The Era of Post Carbon Transition”
David Blume’s Alcohol Can Be A Gas book
LS9 promises ‘renewable petroleum’
Poison plant could help to cure the planet
The ethanol effect
If the Live Earth concerts are to continue, they ought to evolve to serve the transformation not just away from consumer society but toward a culture where we dance and sing and find our bling in things that are healthy for us and the planet.
The world’s costliest roadworks? Widening the M6- at £1,000 an inch
Europeans reluctant to give up cars
WalkScore and the Great Neighborhood Book
MPs urge government to boost water freight (canals)
Africa’s power crisis
Buying shotgun shells will put a bigger hole in your wallet
Trinidad & Tobago: Peak oil- expensive food
Building circles of community: “Lone Rangers” cannot survive collapse
ODAC News- 29 July
Huge U.S. farm bill offers more of same for agribusiness
Oregon studies high failure rate of farmer’s markets
CSM on Community Supported Agriculture
Fermenting revolution (beer)
More on CSAs
Interactive site: is your neighborhood walkable?
How London car curbs inspired U.S. cities
Transport policy needs to go off-road (Australia)
I could be absolutely off base, but it seems like the combination of peak oil, financial instability and climate change is going to strike us hard, and soon. There’s good reason to hedge your bets, invest a few resources and a little energy into preparation.
Habit #1. Think
Habit #2: Understand the big picture, the global supply chain of everything that you touch
Habit #3: Fix, make or bake stuff yourself
Habit #4:
Know your porn so that you can understand how you are being told what to desire
Almost everyone in the peak oil and climate change movements is operating outside their fields. It is the disease of new fields and new realities – everyone is stretching themselves out of their natural range. And in many cases, I think that’s good.
The Independent on the NPC report
Mountaineers- climate criminals?
Peak Moment Newsletter (online videos)
An extension of the world import/export land model