Cuba-A Hope
The Cuban experience with an artifical ‘oil peak’ gives some hope for how a society can re-organise around organic agriculture to avoid the worst possible consequences.
The Cuban experience with an artifical ‘oil peak’ gives some hope for how a society can re-organise around organic agriculture to avoid the worst possible consequences.
With national grain production down for the fifth consecutive year, China is quickly digesting its grain reserves, which could result in a shortage by 2005, experts warn.
As Peak Oil and its effects become a raging national controversy it’s time everyone reads the story that puts the most serious implications of Peak Oil and Gas into perspective. Your biggest problem is not that your SUV might go hungry, it’s that you and your children might go hungry.
Fuel ethanol distilled from crops such as corn and rapeseed could be the solution for countries seeking an outlet for huge agricultural surpluses.
Sustainable development based on prevailing patterns of resource use is not even theoretically conceivable.
Do we really need to embark upon another risky technological fix to solve the mistakes of a previous one? Instead, we should be looking for solutions that are based on ecological and biological principles and have significantly fewer environmental costs.
Even the most productive sustainable systems imaginable would never sustain large-scale cities, a global economy, and Western material affluence even if all the conventional energy conservation strategies were to be adopted. This is a bitter pill to swallow for Westerners raised on the notion of material progress.