Solutions & sustainability – Oct 10

Greenpeace report on solar power /
London’s answer for traffic congestion /
Umbra loves bikes /
Pollan high on grass, down on corn /
Down and dirty: soil in industrial society /
Ecolanguage /
Hard cash and climate change /
China looks to California for solutions /
White House picks up conservation mantra /
Energy efficiency in Wyoming /
McMansions out of style? /
Save energy around the house

Environment headlines – 10 September

Researchers debate whether hurricanes are stronger /
Katrina fuels global warming storm /
Global catastrophes set to increase unless we change NOW /
‘York could be UK’s New Orleans’ /
Global warming called insurance peril /
Ceres on Katrina, insurance, and weather-related risk /
Global warming could hit Indian agriculture /
WWF: The environment matters

China faces water crisis

Eighty percent of China’s rivers no longer support fish. Most surface waters are polluted and many rivers no longer reach the ocean. The per-capita water availability in northwest China is only one-quarter of the world average and the second lowest on the planet.