Worried about fruit & veg rationing? Let’s grow our own, in our communities.

But we need to start considering food production as normal as housework. We could start with our gardens, but better is to club together in networks and press for participation and support from organisations with resources and power, including local authorities.

Why is there a shortage of tomatoes in the UK?

Brexit, bad weather and rising energy prices have a role to play, but our UK growers have been left out on a limb. Like a glasshouse half empty, this crisis is exposing deep systemic problems in our food system that need addressing. Sustain takes a look.

Back to the Farm Mindfully

As Indigenous writers such as Robin Wall Kimmerer show in Braiding Sweetgrass, indigenous people have much to teach us about holistic thinking, the use of social controls to curtail greed, and how to live with the rest of nature.

Can the cow and the deer co-exist?

For sure, the cow and the deer can easily co-exist. On our farm, there is plenty of wild-life co-existing with our small herd of five mother cows. There are deer, elk, boars, fox, voles, fox, the occasional lynx, a huge number of birds including flocks of geese, and cranes.