The Hygge Garden
To dig my spirit out of this dark depression, my body needs, my sense of home and happiness and comfort needs, I need to be rooted in this hygge garden.
To dig my spirit out of this dark depression, my body needs, my sense of home and happiness and comfort needs, I need to be rooted in this hygge garden.
If George gets his way and they ban woodstoves, that’s a red line for me. I’ll continue harvesting my firewood and burning it in my stove until they drag me away.
George has a long and heroic record of fighting for the environment. His latest campaign is to reduce the huge burden that farming inflicts on global ecosystems, by shifting much food production to high-tech “factory farming”. But he fails to see The Simpler Way solution.
Tribal, state, and federal governments are working to adapt to the changing environment to ensure manoomin lives on in Minnesota, which is home to more acres of natural wild rice than any other state in the country.
Though this is the first project to reintroduce salmon to historical habitat above a large dam in California. Marc Commandatore, environmental program manager at the Department of Water Resources, says the winter-run project is “just the beginning.”
The Bristol Good Food 2030 (BGF2030) Action Plan identifies steps to a more sustainable local food system.
Although there is no cookie-cutter template for socio-ecological transition, it’s important to build bridges between communities working for fair food systems and resilient rural areas around and beyond Europe.
I’m going to continue my present mini-theme concerning emerging class conflicts around agrarian localism with a few words about current antipathies between farmers and ‘experts’.
Add it up, and it’s hard not to conclude that, as Karen Pinchin puts it in her riveting debut book, “Kings of Their Own Ocean: Tuna, Obsession, and the Future of Our Seas,” fisheries science is “an impossible, thankless job with no easy answers.”
Until we truly reckon with the almighty agricultural industry that abuses our farmworkers with impunity, there can be no future where agriculture miraculously saves us from the damage already wrought on our agrifood systems.
There is one sole EU Green Deal, but many ways to democratise local food policy. In part 1 of this analysis, we dissected the financial shortcomings of France’s Territorial Food Programmes (PAT). In part 2, we look to Germany and the democratic potential of Food Policy Councils (Ernährungsrat).
As climate change and population pressure strain the world’s delicate ecosystems, Indigenous peoples are pushing to make a larger contribution to environmental management in Alaska and beyond by working with government officials and scientists.