How the Hé Sapa Resolution Could Help ‘Indigenize’ Global Wilderness Conservation

All relevant institutions [must] actively promote wilderness policy that acknowledges that nature is multi-dimensional, transcending the material and physical realms; and use language that honors the rights and roles of Indigenous Peoples, Indigenous Knowledge and Wisdom Systems, natural and customary law.” —Hé Sapa Resolution, 2024

The Big Question

“Humans would fare the best, maximize happiness, satisfaction, and longevity of their species by recognizing their forgotten ecological context and moving toward fully-integrated reciprocal, respectful relationships with the Community of Life and the more-than-human, biodiverse world of Evolved Life.

Why Transition? And why now?

At its heart, Transition is about reimagining and reshaping our world, responding to big global challenges as well as those specific to our place, through local, practical, human-scale action, together with other people. It’s an antidote to feeling over-whelmed and under-powered in the face of the complex problems of our times.

The Joy of Fulfillment

In our own ways we embody the past and determine the future, having an incredible heritage as well as an obligation to seek our greatest joy of fulfillment through action with other humans and nonhuman nature in pursuit of life fulfillment for all.