The Fellowship of the Ring: ‘Bend Not Break’ Version
In this Frankly, Nate recasts his favorite book series, the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien, with some speculative “archetypes” of our human world grouped by various timelines.
In this Frankly, Nate recasts his favorite book series, the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien, with some speculative “archetypes” of our human world grouped by various timelines.
Today, let’s examine this narrative change using the example of car-centricity. My goal here is to show you the amazing things that are possible when we break free from the old way of thinking and doing.
Were we to be liberated from the shackles of petro-capitalism and its productivist whip, we would inevitably dedicate some of our hard-won free time to making more art.
In perhaps one of the great ironies of human civilisation, mechanical devices to truly magnify human power came along as soon as we didn’t need them.
Deep cultural connection to land and nature are inherent to the human experience and a birthright, says Jay Griffiths, author of WILD: An Elemental Journey (2006). But what happens when communities become displaced, either voluntarily or through force?
We must use our extraordinary abilities for a planned retreat, ensuring that we take care of the wounded and saving what is most valuable in our current culture.
Every person, animal, plant and inanimate thing, singly and in functional conjunctions with other things, ultimately the whole universe, continually extends their life from the present into the future. How precious is life, and how great is our mission to serve it!
Is there an imminent danger that artificial intelligence will leap-frog human intelligence, go rogue, and either eliminate or enslave the human race? You won’t find an answer to this question in an expert consensus, because there is none.
The example of Koçerata wants to be a source of strength, hope and inspiration to think also about how we can resist and defend our territories, how we can build alliances with struggles in other geographies, communities and thereby free life.
Our civilizational pathway is always inseparable from the fate of the wider planet, but neither does it walk in lockstep. Climate fiction novels can help us see the way we are going, and help us question — knowing the world that lies ahead — if this is the right road to embark upon.
Globally we increase by somewhere between 70 million and 90 million annually, and that pace has been unrelenting for more than 40 years.
Human extinction is a topic much in the air these days. But we humans are very short on action in response to the many threats.