Ministry of Imagination Manifesto released as the world goes to the polls
This year, perhaps now more than ever, we need a taste of what policymaking underpinned by the radical imagination looks like.
This year, perhaps now more than ever, we need a taste of what policymaking underpinned by the radical imagination looks like.
In this week’s Frankly, Nate offers a list of things he is absolutely certain of… or as certain as any human can be.
Toxic polarization is the product of three factors in individual and social development, all of which can be traced back to the beginnings of human society: malignant bonding, the scarcity mind, and historical and trans-historical trauma.
We are forming a network of small socially and economically cooperative communities that can survive and thrive as the neoliberal system continues to unravel.
As has been the case over the past months, the chaos in the House continues to negatively impact Congress’ ability to respond to the critical issues of the day, including how to handle funding for Ukraine, Israel, and humanitarian aid for Gaza, and whether building new LNG export facilities in the US will be part of the deal.
Modernity: bad. Post-modernity: could be good if we can give it a chance.
A form of education that makes community the substance and goal of education, the communiversity entails a shift in mindset, ethos, and purpose.
As we continue to wrestle with what it is to be human as manifest in what we produce, one can hope a middle path will emerge, not only in fine art and craft but also in the everyday of a digitized world.
Virtually all human and natural systems require feedback to operate properly. Modern global society has been manipulated to prevent effective feedback that could allow us to address the critical environmental problems we face.
I know I’m hardly alone in thinking that the wheels of American democracy feel like they’re coming off the cart. How will we ever solve pressing problems when the debates are so disingenuous?
The ‘tipping point’ at which humanity became a majority-urban species finally occurred in 2008; this trend has continued (55% by 2018), and may be 70% by the middle of the 21st century.
Only as visionaries will we get a realistic chance of narrowing the gap between the world we got and a world we would be happy to live in.