Meet the Scrapers: Reducing Energy Use on the Cheap
In which we learn how a sensible family of limited financial means achieved their goal of reducing their energy usage and utility bills.
In which we learn how a sensible family of limited financial means achieved their goal of reducing their energy usage and utility bills.
In the matter of Free Trade, as with any ideology, there are none so zealous as the newly converted.
U.S. shale’s possibilities may seem endless, but the low hanging fruit in terms of efficiency and costs savings has been picked and therefore current discoveries might not be so prolific.
How could an energy-constrained Wessex feed itself in 2039?
Of course we all know at some level what a “healthy shopping season” is really healthy for: the economy–that thing, that thing which giveth, it is true, but also taketh away, and is still the only game in town.
The election of America’s most prominently parasitic and malicious real estate capitalist to Chief Executive says “this is what happens, Larry.”
Here are just a few things that have shifted in our world because of the extraordinary Native-led uprising at Standing Rock.
In the contemporary political landscape, the commons blur the lines of the ‘private’ and ‘public’ sectors as we have known them in the last century.
Since 1977, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has been quietly reviewing and authorizing liquid natural gas (LNG) terminals, interstate natural gas pipelines, and non-federal hydropower projects.
In 2011, solar power reached a tipping point. This was the year when the solar industry had saved more greenhouse gases than it emitted.
In 1986, at the age of 26, Chuck Collins, the great-grandson of meatpacking giant Oscar Mayer, gave away his trust fund.
How different would the world be if the grace and poise shown at Standing Rock were to influence our wider political culture? Very different.