In-Home Suites—a community solution for affordable rentals
Seeking remedies for providing affordable rentals on Whidbey Island, a group of innovative folks have formed In-Home Suites.
Seeking remedies for providing affordable rentals on Whidbey Island, a group of innovative folks have formed In-Home Suites.
So take pleasure in those small things. Savor everything good about them. And open yourself, your one and only living body, to the joy of doing things that bring you pleasure, knowing that true pleasure is in the relationship between your body and the enfolding world — with no synthetic monetary mediation between the labor and the loving happiness.
As we stand at the crossroads of tradition and modernity, embracing the principles of Corvées through Commitment Pooling offers a pathway to rebuild our communities. This modern interpretation not only honours our heritage but also addresses contemporary challenges, fostering a resilient and interconnected society.
Jonathan Maguire of Tomorrow’s Company is running an inspirational project that is trying to reduce the number of children who leave school without any usable qualifications, and end up classified as ‘NEETs’—Not in Education, Employment or Training.
Urbánika is an international collective of tech commoners that calls itself an “immersive activism school.” Led by Humberto Besso-Oberto Huerta of Mexico, the group wants to help build peer-governed, climate-resilient smart cities and communities, especially in Latin America.
Young people who have read Octavia Butler’s 1993 novel say it’s not only prescient, but also carries lessons for today.
Today’s Frankly offers a series of examples of modern issues using a “wide-boundary” lens – and in the process demonstrates the importance of asking “…and then what?” when thinking about our responses to future events and constraints.
In previous articles, we’ve learned about the enterprises pioneering new models for transforming the economy. We all want to see the world heading in a good direction.
But it’s not too late; in Austin and across the U.S., we can build sustainable and affordable cities without displacing working-class communities of color. Our efforts will only be fruitful if we stop prioritizing investors’ and developers’ interests and begin listening to working-class communities of color.
What’s behind the levitation of U.S. coastal real estate values even as climate change suggests a grim future for those values?
Success, for Obran, is based on employee outcomes rather than shareholder value. By using a private equity playbook for the people, Obran is pushing the worker co-operative movement out of its comfort zone.
While we understand the necessity – and some argue, the inevitability – of degrowth, the public relations work of degrowth remains lacking, in spite of the efforts of many learned scholars and activists.