Cherokee Nation Citizen Works to Change the Face of Construction, Offer Affordable Housing Solution
I want to change the face of construction. A predominantly male-focused industry, there are plenty of opportunities for women.
I want to change the face of construction. A predominantly male-focused industry, there are plenty of opportunities for women.
Whether you’re looking for hands-on strategies, a deeper understanding of the big-picture frameworks underpinning those strategies, or thought-provoking reflections on the current state of the world and its likely future, this book has something for you.
Democratic forms of ownership, such as worker-owned businesses, worker co-operatives, and stakeholder co-operatives, decommodify ownership by linking it directly to those who participate in production.
Visser issues a bold call to respond to our biggest societal and biospheric challenges and convert them into opportunities to ‘thrive’.
It’s essential that we stabilise the global economy. More people understand this every year, but corporations and governments don’t, and so we continue to destroy nature for profit. They’ve built up a bank of myths around the necessity of perpetual growth. Here are 12 common ones, and how to respond to them.
The problems afflicting our world sometimes seem intractable. We have the greatest leverage to make change in the places where we live. Let’s use it.
In this roundtable discussion, Nate is joined by financial analysts Luke Gromen and Michael Every to explore the precarious nature of current fiscal practices, the relationship between military power and economic stability, and the potential need for radical policy shifts worldwide.
An interview with renowned economic historian Michael Hudson on where our calendar comes from, his collaborations with the late intellectual David Graeber, and the long-lost practice of forgiving debt.
Orthopraxis is correct action. It is doing things that are deemed good, either by a faith system or by practical application, achieving the most good in effect. The root of praxis and practical is the same. Praxis is practice. It is discipline. It is embodied act. It is work. Orthopraxis is doing the right work.
Our politicians, news agencies, and larger population must stop paying homage to billionaires who will profit off our predicaments or politicians who will try to capitalize on any crisis. It’s time to see that projects of survival and solidarity among those struggling the most are our only true hope for a future that will otherwise be ever more perilous.
Stefan Gruber, a Carnegie Mellon professor of architecture and urbanism, sees cities as a prime site of struggle between capitalism and commons, and at the same time more accessible than most national or international policy venues.
Reclaming archiving is not just about organizing the past but unlocking potential for new knowledge and endless possibilities beyond colonial modalities of control.