Vigils for Tortuguita: Land Defenders Erupt in Solidarity

In Tortuguita’s honor, we will keep creating poetry and art, participating in mutual aid, fighting for abolition, mending, knocking down borders, transitioning, putting our bodies in between the state and its victims, and building radical models of care and community.

The Kurdish Movement: From Mesopotamia to Mesoamerica

If you ask me what is the most advanced postmodern experience in the world today, that is, the one that traces a hopeful path toward a new civilization, I would undoubtedly answer: the Kurdish movement.

While regional independence gains traction, we need to consider our interdependence

We must have ideas on the table for what might now seem politically impossible but in a few years seem politically inevitable. Let us think in terms of mutuality and interdependence, how we will work together, rather than separation and how we will break apart.

Give Peace a Chance

You work for peace because “it’s a moral responsibility to oppose the war machine. And as long as there’s a chance and you’re working at what has the best chance of succeeding, you have to do it.”

It’s as simple — and as bedeviling — as that. In other words, we have to give peace a chance.

A-ction, R-esilience, C-ritical Mass – Hannes Lorenzen’s Letter to 2023

Beyond the classical thematic advocacy for organic farming, animal welfare and nature conservation there is a new opportunity to embrace the climate, biodiversity, CAP,  job-sharing movements – and the desire to reach a humane work-life balance.

Why Understanding Limits Is the Key to Humanity’s Future

Taoist sages proclaimed, “Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.” Don’t just respect limits; celebrate them and work in harmony with them.