Ruminations on losing power and what is appropriate technology
We can’t depend on tech at all if we want to see the future. We depend on this Earth. And no tool is ever going to end that interdependency.
We can’t depend on tech at all if we want to see the future. We depend on this Earth. And no tool is ever going to end that interdependency.
If the Ciénaga Grande is going to recover, it needs long-term integrated research and planning, with local community participation and even guardianship, which has a record of success in other local and Indigenous-led areas.
My aim is not to discourage people working toward an energy transition, but to insist that we develop a realistic plan for energy descent, rather than insisting on foolish dreams of eternal consumer abundance by means other than fossil fuels.
Even as the global continues to powerfully exist here, we can break beyond its mental confines to make a home place rooted in bioregional nature. It requires acts of revolutionary imagination to make that place.
From sparking the resistance to Keystone XL to erecting the first structure in the Sacred Stone Camp at Standing Rock, Braun was a climate and Indigenous rights movement leader who provided inspiration to thousands and helped train hundreds of people to nonviolently resist pipeline projects.
I believe deeply in the commons. I believe it is the only true economic expression of all this interconnected biophysical reality.
Without the need for dedicated land or water, honeybees offer a more stable climate future.
It matters which world we think is ending, and it matters what we tell each other is worth doing in such a time.
On this episode, environmental peacemaker and mediator Olivia Lazard joins Nate to unpack the relationship between mineral deposits, conflict-vulnerable zones, and high biodiversity areas to create interlocking risks to geopolitical and climate stability.
By the end of 2024 the Lower Klamath River will run free for the first time in a century, enabling fish like salmon and steelhead to reclaim 400 miles of river habitat in California and Oregon.
Healing the ocean and keeping it healthy—i.e. focusing on the root causes of environmental and social injustices—so as to prevent sea animals from washing up on the shores in the first place is where we all need to focus. But what does that even mean?
Food is the basis for lifestyle: Food is the connection to our authentic, biological nature as living creatures, sharing the world with a host of other creatures, in a complex global ecology. Get that right, and all the other things are ‘negotiable’.