In Which There Is Work
I have strong opinions on the concept of work. Put simply, I do not agree with much of what passes for economic activity in the modern world, beginning with the definition of the word.
I have strong opinions on the concept of work. Put simply, I do not agree with much of what passes for economic activity in the modern world, beginning with the definition of the word.
If there were a time to allocate some of your resilience work toward the global and national scene, that time might be now, and the place might be Thacker Pass.
Civilisations have tried to dominate chaos with order for centuries, in a false dichotomy of biblical proportions. Greater diversity wants to exist. Perhaps our role is not to impose order, but to steward complexity.
Our systems do not meet our needs. None of them are designed to do so. It is time to make new systems.
I want my grandchildren to visit other places and countries and see different, unknown foods. I want them to feel like the world isn’t one giant airport lounge with sourdough and avocado toast on every menu.
Forest bathers aim not for physical exertion, a naturalist’s eye for species identification, or stimulating conversation with companions. The aim is sheer presence…
The language allows no form of respect for the more-than-human beings with whom we share the Earth. In English, a being is either a human or an “it.”
The unprecedented drop in emissions resulting from the shutdown reinforces an idea over a decade old yet too infrequently acknowledged—the need for economic contraction in addressing the climate crisis.
But my feeling is that we do need to hear more declarative statements like “Sell the beach house now!” from science and modeling.
In the Transition movement, we saw resilience as a way of “bouncing forward”. We wanted to use the anticipation of these shocks to design different and better systems.
King’s recognition of profound interconnectivity demanded that human security be grounded in the quality of our relationships, the systems we have in place to support people when things get hard, and by creating international frameworks to guarantee equity and human dignity over profit.
Despite the fact that the world of the unnamed vastly exceeds the extent of the named world, most people choose to inhabit a consciousness bounded by the naming of things.