Xochitl Leyva Solano

Xochitl is an activist researcher. She works to create other possible worlds hand in hand with women, young people of the peoples in resistance, both indigenous and Afro-descendant, as well as those of gender diversity. She is part of the GTA core team. is a Senior lecturer and researcher at CIESAS Sureste in Chiapas, Mexico. Alterglobalisation activist, part of the Core Group of the GTA and, since 2016, coordinator of the CLACSO Working Group “Body, Territories, Resistance”

raised fist

Zapatista Knowledge: Theoretico-political ontoepistemic alter-natives in times of war and civilisational collapse

What we are experiencing today on planet Earth has been called in different ways “World War IV”, “slow, silent and lethal social holocaust”, “systemic crisis”, “global crisis of capitalism”, “polycrisis”, “crisis of Western capitalist (hetero)patriarchal civilisation”, “crisis of the hegemonic civilisational pattern”.

May 18, 2023