Vaidila Satvika is an Urban Planner with the City of Asheville
Walkable Urbanism: When your city is looking in the wrong direction.
In cases where cities have little control over the roads, there’s a disincentive to focus on them.
October 24, 2022
Vacation from Emissions
I propose we rethink the idea of the “vacation” and transform any time we’ve accrued for leisure to be used instead for climate emergency action and to reconnect to nature. These small actions have the potential to shift others and society toward larger, more significant change.
July 15, 2019
Lawns to the Rescue
It’s an amazing experiment to leave a lawn alone for a couple months and to watch what happens. Nature comes back fast. Trees, flowers, and all the critters return.
June 21, 2019
The Hidden Argument Against Bike Share (and Bike Anything)
Cities everywhere are working to improve transportation options to reduce reliance on automobiles and for this reason bicycling as another mode of transport is taking off. But there’s a lot of push back because in the U.S. car culture is king, and the hidden argument against bikes is rarely made public.
April 30, 2013