The State of the State (of energy)
A survey of what U.S. governors said about energy in their State of the State addresses. None of the governors grasped the concept that technology does not equal energy. None addressed the core issue of continued growth in a finite system.
February 9, 2006
Big Plans, Bad Ideas
Two big-state governors have hit the headlines last week with grand plans for the future. In California, Arnold Schwarzenegger proposed a massive infrastructure construction program, while in New York, George Pataki has called for a renewable energy program. Both plans were developed by comparatively moderate Republican governors with an eye to the challenges of tomorrow. Unfortunately for the residents of these states, both wind up missing the larger point.
January 10, 2006
Natural Gas[p]! A conversation with an Industry Insider
A goal of mine has been to contact individuals in
various positions that may have first hand information that may shed more light on the energy situation. Today was one of those days. I had an interesting discussion with a senior level executive of one of this country’s reputable energy firms.
April 21, 2005