Tony Buck is a Citizen Sustainability Advocate living in south-eastern Pennsylvania, USA, and recently created the website:
A short biography is in the About page.
Visit to a future sustainable neighborhood Pt 2
Once this sustainability revolution started to take hold, the ‘great sorting’ of deciding what was essential and what was simply voracious desire, reshaped many areas of society. And, so, it was decided to de-commodify food, education and healthcare, in line with a more ecological form of economics, where Nature has a seat at the boardroom table.
December 9, 2023
Visit to a future sustainable neighborhood
As I took my first breath in this future neighborhood, the air had a fragrant quality that I didn’t recognize. I could hear a person shout something, maybe a block away. It’s much quieter than the world I left. There’s certainly a smell of home cooking in the air. And there’s a lot more plants of all sizes and description wherever I look. That’s it! The air carries a mixture of fruit scents.
December 1, 2023