Tom Atlee is co-founder of the Co-Intelligence Institute, author of The Tao of Democracy, Participatory Sustainability, Empowering Public Wisdom and Reflections on Evolutionary Activism. He considers the encyclopedic Wise Democracy Pattern Language website and card deck his most significant co-creations. He enjoys being thinking partners with numerous transformational change agents and writing for his blog. He lives in an urban housing co-op in Eugene, Oregon, USA.
Democracy Rising 23: Scaling Deliberation—the Maclean’s Magazine Experiment
Despite their differences, the intense time pressure, and being continuously filmed by a crew from Canadian TV (for an hour-long public affairs program) these ordinary citizens by the end of their third day had all signed a detailed, co-created, visionary agreement charting a course to greater mutual understanding by all Canadians.
August 2, 2022
The End of Power: Review
“Moises Naim’s new book THE END OF POWER should properly be called “The Decay of Power”. His thesis is that while it is becoming easier to get power, it is also becoming harder to use it to control others and harder to keep it once you have it.
December 13, 2013