Tina Clarke is a Certified Transition Trainer in the U.S. She has helped over 200 community Transition and resilience initiatives in North America, and given 45 official Transition Network weekend courses. Since 1993 she has provided consulting to over 400 organizations, assisting them in fundraising, strategic planning, program development, public education, coalition building, and advocacy training on environmental and other social change issues.
Community Engagement and Transition Principles
Ultimately, generosity attracts more interest than self-interest. Respect, collaboration and meaningful values are more likely to be successful in building community.
May 27, 2015
Tina Clarke on resourcing your Transition initiative
How important do you think securing funding is for Transition Initiatives? Is it essential or can TIs survive and thrive well without it?
February 6, 2014
Tina Clarke on the Joys of Discovering Effective Collaboration
Are group problems the result of the “wrong” personalities? Or of communication problems? Or of lack of information or skills?
September 30, 2013
Getting Started – Atwater Street Cooperative, a Transition Street in-the-making
Sometimes, if we step back to think about all of the challenges, we get a little overwhelmed. How do you transition a street, and a neighborhood, in an American city of great extremes between the wealthy and the poor?
March 30, 2012
A threat to burn the Koran and the role of the Transition Movement
When change unfolds, people want real solutions more than they want to hate. Our work helps people get focused on practical action, brings emotional rewards of connection and common purpose. Transition is an inoculation against human breakdown. It is inoculation against hate.
September 23, 2010