Scott Sawyer is sustainability director at the Vermont Sustainable Jobs Fund and the lead author, editor, and designer of Vermont’s Farm to Plate Strategic Plan
Food System Lessons
The signs of resource depletion, ecosystem degradation, and anthropogenic climate change are widespread in the 21st century. Food system activities are both a major driver of these changes and are particularly vulnerable to them. The ability of food systems to prepare, mitigate, and adapt will be a major challenge for all societies.
November 17, 2018
Vermont has Developed America’s Most Comprehensive Food Plan
By many accounts, Vermont has developed the most comprehensive food system plan in the United States. How did Vermonters do it? We harnessed the power of networks to build trust, pursue new opportunities, and tackle long-standing problems across the state and have developed a comprehensive data collection, analysis, and visualization system for tracking progress and telling stories.
October 30, 2017