Russ Grayson: I’m an independent online and photojournalist living on the road in a minivan for awhile and traveling the Pacific coast.
Media Literacy: A Critical Need that Should be Taught in Schools
Should media literacy be taught in schools?
That is the question an article in the Lowy Institute’s The Interpreter asks. It asks the question because media literacy is essential for navigating online media
March 31, 2020
Coronavirus reveals the true value of the internet
The true value of the internet is being revealed in the public response to the coronavirus pandemic. In bringing people together and keeping them informed, the internet and digital culture in general are doing things few or probably none of their detractors could do.
March 25, 2020
A food conversation
Local food advocates seem to have put a good dose of local farm dust up the nostrils of Australian Agriculture Minister, Tony Burke. The issues of local food and food importation are complex and deserve a more mature and sophisticated approach than that offered by the minister.
March 25, 2008
Relocalisation – acting locally on global issues
Crises and large scale challenges create fear in many but inspire others to act. What gives relocalization greater value than many other responses is its broader benefit to society, especially to local farmers, producers, community enterprise and businesses.
February 26, 2007