The evil twins
Discussion of global warming seldom makes any connection between the ecology of temperature change and pending fuel shortages. This is a really bad error.
January 21, 2008
About the NPC report
The report was balanced, well written, and informative… The NPC has confirmed that by 2030, oil demand will only equal oil supply if there is substantial demand destruction. Furthermore, accumulating above ground risks could disrupt oil supplies at any time between now and 2030.
July 25, 2007
Al Gore wants to be President
One cannot separate fossil fuel depletion from global warming. Although both of these evil twins will force us humans to curb our consumption of fossil fuels, how we chose to utilize – and stretch out – and allocate our remaining resources is a critical element of any global plan.
June 11, 2007
Algeria increases the price of oil
This trend implies consumer nations will never be able to reach a long term contractual relationship with producer nations for the allocation of earth’s remaining oil and natural gas resources.
December 26, 2006
Energy and Californian land use planning
The California Legislature must revise the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), Environmental Impact Report (EIR) to include a specific section on energy, including project energy needs by resource type.
October 7, 2006
Oil Depletion Economics 101
After constructing several alternative scenarios [for the economic impact of an oil crisis], it became abundantly clear they all produced results that were strikingly similar. Every scenario produced higher rates of inflation and unemployment with declining GDP. The only real difference was in the timing and degree of severity.
July 30, 2006