Ron Johnston

Dr. Ron Johnston has a PhD in Ecology and Environmental Science.. He was Subject Leader for Science and Sustainability Education on graduate and post-graduate teacher training programmes with the University of South Wales (2002 – 2016). Following this (2016-2018) he was sustainability-science consultant with UNESCO supporting teacher research groups in Sikkim in Himalayan India, embedding sustainability education into state science curricula. He is currently an independent academic and author retaining close links with the University of Wales and UNESCO MGIEP. He has published widely on the role of science in sustainability education  and is currently focussing on the ethical obligations of science as a cultural socioecological enterprise.

Link to publications:

Forthcoming:, “Communicating Sustainability:  Science Literacy and Transformative Pedagogies”, in the forthcoming collection edited by Simon Cottle Communicating a World in Crisis. New York: Peter Lang (Johnston, 2024 in press)