The Church of GDP
Benjamin Friedman, a Harvard economist, has written a hugely provocative book (“The Moral Consequences of Economic Growth”) arguing that rapid growth is morally uplifting.
January 12, 2006
A New Era for Oil?
The interesting question about the advent of $50-a-barrel oil is whether it signals a new era in the economics and politics of energy.
March 30, 2005
The Dawn of a New Oil Era?
The interesting question about the advent of $50-a-barrel oil is whether it signals a new era in the economics and politics of energy. To sharpen the question: have we entered a period when, owing to consistently strong demand and chronically scarce supplies, prices have moved permanently higher?
March 26, 2005
Oil Fantasies
Energy economist Philip Verleger Jr. attributes the present price run-up to massive miscalculation. Oil companies and OPEC underestimated global demand, particularly from China.
October 5, 2004