Rebecca Baran-Rees currently works as the Project Director for MoGro, a mobile grocery initiative that partners with the John’s Hopkins Center for American Indian Health, La Montanita Co-op and Native American and Tribal communities to support sustainable local food systems, and eliminate barriers to affordable healthy food. Before moving to Santa Fe, she worked with low income and underserved communities in California and New York. Prior to graduate school, she worked to reform and monitor mental and medical health care in California State Prisons, and as a legal advocate for low-income families experiencing homelessness and the loss of their public benefits. She received her graduate degree from Cornell University in City and Regional Planning with an emphasis on community development, alternative service delivery models and participatory planning. Born and raised in San Francisco, Rebecca moved to Santa Fe with her husband and son in 2012.
MoGro: Innovations in Health and Well-being for New Mexico’s Food Deserts
The challenge of local and healthy food access is a complex puzzle being addressed across the country, from pre-boxed home delivery companies like Good Eggs, to mobile farmers’ markets and healthy produce vans.
November 12, 2014