Peak Oil: Suburbia’s looming fire-sale
One of the reasons a great many people, policy makers and leaders find it impossible to face the issue of peak oil is because it challenges the very beliefs that we argue are a priori truths about industrialised western societies, without requirement for justification, our fundamental birth-rights.
September 13, 2004
NZ: ACT clings desperately to flat-earth policy
By way of clarification, the issue isn’t that the world is running out of oil, it will of course, but not for some time. The real issue is that the global production of oil is about to peak, after which we will move into a period of decline, this production decline will be permanent.
August 16, 2004
New Zealand: Government about to make a monumental mistake
It is clear that policy makers, Government bigwigs, ostentatious self-promoting Mayors and general associated ignorami are about to make an error of monumental proportions. The mistake involves the gross misappropriation of public funds to build roading systems in Auckland and throughout NZ that in all likelihood will be empty of drivers early next decade.
August 12, 2004