Over a Barrel
Experts say we’re about to run out of oil. But we’re nowhere near having another technology ready to take its place.
October 25, 2004
Time to kick the oil habit
IT SHOULD BE clear by now, even to those in the White House, that America needs a new oil strategy.
July 4, 2004
O is for Oil
How might America cure itself of energy illiteracy? Realistically, teaching Americans to give energy the priority it deserves would be an incremental process that could take years.
July 3, 2004
The Undeclared Oil War
While some debate whether the war in Iraq was or was not “about oil,” another war, this one involving little but oil, has broken out between two of the world’s most powerful nations.
June 27, 2004
Power Outage
The U.S. is falling far behind its rivals in developing alternative energy
May 22, 2004
Cheap oil is history
For the tens of millions of American motorists patiently waiting for gas prices to come back to Earth, the news from the oil markets is not encouraging.
For the last year, government forecasters have reassured us that the unusually high oil prices we’ve seen since 2002 — around $30 a barrel — were temporary: As soon as global markets recovered from the mess in Iraq, oil prices would drop and gasoline prices would eventually follow.
March 28, 2004