Michael McCarthy

Warren Brown – car columnist and peak oil prophet

So far, Warren Brown is the only voice in the NY Times, Washington Post or LA Times who regularly speaks out on peak oil.

March 23, 2007

Lovelock: ‘We are past the point of no return’

Thirty years ago, the scientist James Lovelock worked out that the Earth possessed a planetary-scale control system which kept the environment fit for life. He called it Gaia, and the theory has become widely accepted. Now, he believes mankind’s abuse of the environment is making that mechanism work against us. His astonishing conclusion – that climate change is already insoluble, and life on Earth will never be the same again.

January 16, 2006


Climate change poses threat to food supply, scientists say

Worldwide production of essential crops such as wheat, rice, maize and soya beans is likely to be hit much harder by global warming than previously predicted.

April 28, 2005

Climate change: Countdown to global catastrophe

Global warning has already hit the danger point that international attempts to curb it are designed to avoid, according to the world’s top climate watchdog.

January 23, 2005

Lovelock: ‘Only nuclear power can now halt global warming’

Global warming is now advancing so swiftly that only a massive expansion of nuclear power as the world’s main energy source can prevent it overwhelming civilisation, the scientist and celebrated Green guru, James Lovelock, says.

May 23, 2004

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