Martin Drago is International Program Coordinator for Food Sovereignty. He is hosted by REDES/Friends of the Earth Uruguay, of which he has been a member since 2004. Since 2009 Martin has coordinated international work against agribusiness and land grabbing and in favor of agroecology and food sovereignty. He works as a liaison with La Via Campesina and leads on the relationship with the International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty. Previously Martin campaigned on a diverse range of issues around food and farming in Uruguay, Latin America and the Caribbean against soy and forestry expansion, GMOs as well as working in the food sovereignty movement and on trade and economic justice issues. Twitter: @JuanMartinDrago
‘Junk Agroecology’
The promotion of ‘junk agroecology’ initiatives opens up the possibility of greater greenwashing of socially and environmentally destructive forms of production, and more deeply entrenches the unjust dynamics which have led to the current crises.
November 12, 2020