Mark Garavan

Mark Garavan lectures in social care in the Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology. He is the author of Compassionate Activism: An Exploration of Integral Social Care. He is currently chairperson of Feasta’s trustees.

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The Age of Low Tech by Philippe Bihouix: review

‘Let’s always ask ourselves: Can I do without? Can I do less? Can I make it easier? And by the way, why do I have to do that? And couldn’t I do with what already exists?’

September 1, 2021

Journey to Earthland: Review

It is likely that most thoughtful people today experience future possibilities as fearful. All the objective signs – political, social, ecological – appear largely negative. It seems clear that a crash or major rupture of our economic model is coming as well as an abrupt shift in our climate stability. Efforts at reform have proven to be too weak and inadequate. Journey to Earthland positions itself right in the midst of this foreboding.

February 21, 2017


Lean Logic and Surviving the Future: Review

These comments are not those of an opponent but of a dialogue partner. Lean Logic offers the reader the chance to learn, to reflect and to respond. There could be no greater gift bequeathed to us.

January 19, 2017

Living in the Anthropocene – a Frame for New Activism

We have emerged from the geological epoch of the Holocene into a new epoch designated as the Anthropocene.

November 2, 2015


The Psychological Dimension to Sustainability

As the 21st century unfolds it is increasingly clear that we are entering more deeply into times of travail.

November 28, 2014


Occupy Education: Two reviews

Below you can read reviews by Mark Garavan and Anne B. Ryan of Tina Evan’s book Occupy Education: Learning and Living Sustainability. What is an educator to do in these times in an effort to help students and communities avert disaster – or to help prepare ourselves and others to engage in sustainability-oriented action in the wake of disturbing, if not devastating, changes in our world?

October 3, 2012

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