Economist with a passion for philosophy, writer, citizen. Author of the book Exchanging Autonomy http
It’s Time for Deep Transformation in Society – not Merely Material Changes
Are we ready for deep changes in society, beyond all its superficial changes? Progressives need to ask themselves some serious questions, going beyond cost-benefit analyses to rationalise progress. If by “progressives” we mean people who want to fight both neoliberal dogmas and populist demagogy, then the question that progressives should ask themselves, in the 21st century, is: are we ready for a deep change in society, beyond all its superficial changes?
September 8, 2017
Exchanging Autonomy
This article is aimed on one hand at defining some dimensions of individual autonomy, on the other at proposing exchanges of values and metavalues as a possible way to promote such dimensions.
September 13, 2016