Research Associate, History and Classical Studies, McGill University
A Green New Deal for an Ecological Economy
In their textbook Ecological Economics, Herman Daly and Josh Farley list sustainability and justice as the field’s first two goals. If the GND’s goal is to facilitate, through policy, the transition to a socially equitable low-carbon economy, then ecological economics basically bills itself as the science of the Green New Deal.
October 25, 2019
Using Maps as a Weapon to Resist Extractive Industries on Indigenous Territories
Our project, MappingBack, envisions mapping as a weapon and tactic to resist extractive industries. We see it as an excellent way to express complex Indigenous perspectives and relationships with the land.
April 26, 2019
Blueprint for an Earth Jurisprudence Economy
The journey towards an Earth jurisprudence economy, rather than being seen as an insurmountable challenge, can serve as a uniting force in our defense of the global commons.
May 31, 2018