Kelpie Wilson

Preface to a Prelude to Peak Oil

Prelude may be the first thriller novel explicitly about peak oil (numberless thrillers concern the nefarious machinations of international oil conglomerates — ultimately those are stories about peak oil too). It follows a short period in the life and career of Cassie Young, an oil industry analyst based in Washington, DC.

February 12, 2011

Malthus and vice

Malthus might have earned more respect for his Law of Population if he hadn’t proposed it just at the moment when human production first tapped into the coal seams and oil streams that fueled the industrial expansion. It is only today, when those resources have peaked, that we are revealed to be much more like the other animals than we thought…

April 12, 2009

Democrats are blowing our best chance for clean energy

How the Dems sacked one of the most important opportunities to turn around our energy future.

July 1, 2008

Talking peak oil in the Heartland

Report on the recent peak oil conference in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

June 10, 2008

Peak oil and politicians

I asked Lisa Wright why Rep. Bartlett’s office thinks the peak oil issue has gotten so little traction in the media and with politicians. “Hard truths are hard to talk about as well as hard to absorb,” she said. But, she added, “It’s a chicken and egg conundrum. To the extent that voters become informed and aware through media, you’ll find that candidates will follow.”

May 17, 2008


Why more food is not the answer

The world wants more food – a lot more food – but the planet will not be able to provide it. A groundbreaking United Nations report was released last week that presents an alternative paradigm for agriculture – at a very timely moment.

April 23, 2008

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