Karin Kirk

Karin (www.karinkirk.com) is a freelance writer and geoscience education consultant, as well as a ski instructor and guide at Bridger Bowl ski area in Bozeman, Mont.


A Chat Leads to a Change of View on Climate

In the March for Science Facebook page, someone asked how group members might engage in productive conversation with a family member who holds opposite ideologies. The query immediately prompted hundreds of comments and suggestions, with the tally increasing by the minute.

September 30, 2019


How to Identify People Open to Evidence about Climate Change

An unfortunate consequence of our divisive political climate is the portrayal of an immovable chasm between people on opposite sides of issues. While that’s certainly true in some cases, there is middle ground to be worked. Those keen to help move the needle of public opinion and engagement on climate change should look first toward peers and those who are open to change but not yet involved in the issue.

September 9, 2019