Julian Cribb is a Canberra-based author.
Bushfires Countries from Siberia to Australia are Burning: the Age of Fire is the Bleakest Warning Yet
We have only one rational choice: to choose to survive.
This demands all necessary actions – although they spell the end of existing systems of energy, food, water, money, defence, transport and politics – and their replacement with new ones, universally dedicated to a viable, just and sustainable human and planetary future.
December 6, 2019
Time for a new focus on food
Few people seem to have noticed that two governments went belly-up in North Africa recently – as a result of riots which began as protests over the price of food.
June 2, 2011
Julian Cribb: What are the future challenges to our food system
Julian Cribb, Principal of Julian Cribb and Associates presentation on what are the future challenges to our food system at the National Sustainable Food Summit in Melbourne Australia on 5-6 April, 2011.
May 20, 2011